Services Offered

Intial Merit Reviews


A through evaluation of medical records to determine whether the case has any merit. Our report will include adherences to and/or departments from the nursing standards of care, including violations of state or federal laws and regulations as applicable. If breeches occured, we will evaluate whether or not these breeches caused harm to the patient, so you can determine whether making a claim for negligence or medical malpractice would be worthwhile.

Case Chronology Reports

Our case Chronology reports facilate drafting and defending motions and other litigation needs. Our reports are also helpful in determining damages and the value of your case, by clarifying the extent of residuals and treatment may be needed going forward and/or lifelong.

Litigation Support


Our job dosen’t end when you decide to accept a matter. We can help you organize and understand all the medical reports that come in throughout the case. The amount of records associated with a nursing home case can be overwhelming, but we know how to navigate through them to quickly extract what’s relevant. We can even hyperlink the relevant documentation to the report.

Custom Services


If none of our service packages meets your specific needs, we’ll be happy to put together a custom package. Please feel free to contact us.

Time Frame


Typically 14-21 days. However, we may request a 30-day window. In the event that you have a rush deadline, we will be happy to accommodate.